The film begins with Karthik (Slam) who runs a multimillion-dollar organization in Portugal living with his loved ones. Karthik (Smash) runs the organization where he has utilized his own dad, sibling, sister and keeps them honest to investigate every possibility to take his organization to more prominent levels. In the interim, he meets another multimillion-dollar ladies Anushka (Sonal Chauhan) for an agreement. Then, at that point, she chooses to propose Karthik (Slam) for marriage as a determined move for their business likewise she (Sonal Chauhan) needs to seal the deal with the right person assuming that she needs to acquire her dad's riches. The two of them got ready for marriage however karthik's family was disheartened of this proposition. After certain days, one of the organizations of Karthik (Slam) causes problems because of a case enrolled by Green Armed force headed by Divya (Rakul Preet)against his processing plant and he heads to India to figure out the issue. He makes a good attempt to persuade Divya (Rakul Preet) yet all goes to no end. Regardless of being locked in to Anushka (Sonal Chauhan), Karthik (Slam) goes to a degree to dazzle Divya (Rakul Preet) in an endeavor of persuading her to pull out the case. Anyway Karthik (Smash) uncovers his real reason for coming to India later as he is the child of Bhupathi's (Sampath Raj) sister, who has been avoiding family for a quarter century. Divya's dad (Sampath) and his 3 siblings forsake their separate spouses and send them back to their home to reside with their own sibling Sai Kumar. This, on the grounds that Sai Kumar will not wed Sampath's just sister. In any case, once more, that is a penance by Sai Kumar on the grounds that Sampath's sister herself admits that she is enamored with another person. Sampath's sister ends up being Ram's mom. In the wake of seeing the battle of Karthik (Slam) in endeavor to save Divya (Rakul Preet) from brawlers, Bhupati (Sampath Raj) meets karthik(Ram) for proposition to be engaged with Divya (Rakul Preet). Karthik then goes to her town to rejoin the family despite everything and wed Divya (Rakul Preet). Eventually,karthik (Slam) reunites the family which were isolated for quite some time and weds to Divya (Rakul Preet) bringing Pandaga(Festival) for the family.
Pandaga Chesko Af Somali
Pandaga Chesko Af Somali