Devi 2 Af Somali A doting wife goes through a hard time trying to save her husband who is possessed by two spirits.Krishna and his wife Devi arrive in Mauritius for Krishna's work, leaving their daughter with Devi's parents. As the story moves, Devi meets with Lawyer Lalitha. They became friends that night. Krishna wakes up and closes the door which was open, but it opens again suddenly. Next, Devi becomes suspicious of Krishna because a colleague hugged him. She makes this as an issue and asks him to promise on their daughter's photo to which he says that it is casual and that he will not make a big deal out of it. Again, in the middle of the night, Krishna wakes up and closes the door, but the door suddenly opens after he left.

Devi 2 Af Somali
Devi 2 Af Somali