A young boy named Badri is discovered by the religious guru and martial arts expert Bheeshma Narayan, who trains and turns him into a skilled warrior. Badri is assigned to protect the Badrinath temple, following which he encounters with Alakananda, who hates God due to a childhood tragedy. Her grandfather has brought her to Badrinath in order to protect her from her evil uncle Sarkar and his family. Badri assures her grandfather he would revive her faith in God, which he successfully does, but ends up making her fall for him as well. When Sarkar learns of Badri's identity and his role in thwarting a terrorist attack in Amarnath, he sends his son Nani to Badrinath in order to get Alakananda, but only if Badri dies. Just when Alakananda thinks she can marry Badri and Bheeshma Narayan plans to make him his celibate successor, Badri finds himself in troubled waters when a violent battle with Nani and his henchmen causes a misunderstanding and enrages Bheeshma, making him suspect Badri of loving Alakananda back..
Badrinath Af Somali
Badrinath Af Somali