This period war-drama showcases the 1897 Battle of Saragarhi. The plot focuses on Havildar Ishar Singh, who led a platoon of 21 Sikhs against an invading army of 10,000 Afghans to defend the North-West Frontier Province. The event is considered one of the greatest last-stands in history.Ishar Singh is a havildar in the Sikh Regiment of the British Indian Army. His superior and commander is an arrogant British officer, who deems all Indians to be cowards, and is jealous of Ishar Singh because of his superior fighting skills. The regiment is posted at Gulistan Fort, on the border between British-held territory and the Afghan border. Once, while on a border patrol, the troops see a group of Pashtun Afghan tribesmen, led by one Saidullah, on the verge of killing a married Afghan woman because she refuses to accept her husband, who has been chosen by her family without her consent. The British officer refuses to intervene and save the woman saying she is an Afghan citizen and does not reside in British territory; and since it is a family matter pertaining to tribal custom, and the policy of the British Raj is to not interfere in such matters. In defiance of the orders of his officer, Ishar Singh goes ahead and intervenes, fights off the tribesmen, and rescues the woman by killing her husband.
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Kesari Af Somali
Kesari Af Somali